Ever since time started showing me the bitter truth concealed beneath the epidermis of the most beautiful things, I've seen people trapped in the web of emotions. While emotions may seem to be natural for most of us humans, it is necessary to understand what actually emotions are, what triggers them and what are its impacts. You are more likely to be happy on a rainy day than on a hot and humid day. Emotions are an excuse to either boost up your efforts (example, happiness) or make your day worse (example, jealousy, hatred, sadness, guilt). Whether they (emotions) exist or not, they wont help us at all. Positive and negative makes NULL. A man who creates a threat to the society and later on saves it isn't considered a hero. Same is the case with emotions. Although certain emotions may have positive impacts (example, happiness), but the negatives compensate its positives. People who claim to be in a certain emotional state should understand that they're just being carried away by the emotional current. The question that'd pop up in your mind would be, what is emotional current; its obvious. Emotional current is a group of factors which triggers your pituitary to make you believe that you are in a certain state of emotion. Mostly it is impossible to notice, as the contributing factors might be as unnoticeable as the smell of rain, or the blowing wind, the orange sunlight, the melody of songs, a colour, and every little thing that combine to form an emotional current. Lets consider a practical case of an emotional current. Many of you might have noticed that people tend to disclose their secrets or confess the most emotional things on a windy evening, or after listening to an emotional song, or talking to a loved one. Now the unnoticed factors that make the emotional current in this case is the blowing wind, the orange sun of the evening, the melody of the song, the feeling of wellness while talking to a loved one, etc. These unnoticed factors make the emotional current and people are carried away by it. As said earlier, emotions are just like ice in water, it just pretends to be useful. So on a closing note, what i want to say is that things are presented to us as an illusion. The simplest of things clog to make the most complex circumstances, be it as natural as emotions. Be good, stay blessed.
Thank you for reading.
S.A.C. out for today.
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