quite qoute

"With great powers there comes great responsibility"
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Saturday, 31 January 2015

Someone is talking inside!

Okey! So today I'd like to introduce with the guy in me. Say hye! So he is always in there my mind watching, talking, commenting and listening to/on everything. He is so honest that he doesn't even stops to look whom i am talking with. It sounds bit creepy about the guy in me, but everyone has another personality in them, who always react "honestly" or more preferably "silently". We always have two reactions for circumstances, one which everybody can see, and another which everybody should see. Believe it or not but the inner personality talking is quite true but due to unfavorable circumstances we never let their voice out of our head. We sometimes make fake opinions on things because we fear that the person we are talking with might feel wrong(low, insulted, etc.). Misunderstandings always occur due to these kind of talks. Let us take a good example of a talk between a boy and her "friend",

Girl,"you like that show on TV that comes on channel U."

Boy,"yes, i know about which show you are talking about(No, definitely not)."

Girl,"i like that show, m watching that show from the time i started going to college."

Boy,"Me too(who watches TV)."

Girl,"you like 'some random character from the show'."

Boy,"don't say that you like her too(i hate TV)."

Girl,"See ya, got to go to watch that show."

Boy,"m also leaving, you see i watch it too(i should start googling that story so far)."

So in above example we can see that people pretend to show their on the spot originated interest. We can understand that boy's interest is somewhere else, but his this kind of behaviour just made that conversation long more. If boy had said what he was saying inside his head the talk would not been longed more than two sentences. But if you like any person and he/she is okay with your choice of interest, they will definitely talk to you.

Love is appreciating others for who they are inside.

Thank you for reading.
Peace out!

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Respect tends to Success

According to Wikipedia, SUCCESS may refer to attainment of higher social status, achievement of goal and/or opposite of failure.

Ignoring the very common topic of "How to be successful?". Let us try to define success and keeping Indian frame of reference under consideration:

->For many PARENTS, success is defined as achievement in academics and a respectful plus good money printing job.

->For most of the TEACHERS, success is defined as first place in the race of knowledge reflecting exams.

->For NEIGHBOURHOOD, success is defined as a car plus home with a caring spouse.

So, basically, fundamentally, technically, physically, chemically, biologically and other different aspects with "-ally" suffix,

"Success is achieving wealth, respect and/or fame."

Keeping luck concept on the mind, success contents "wealth and fame" could be achieved in other ways without being called successful.
So the chemical X of success is RESPECT.

Success is incomplete without respect. Instead of being called successful, let us work for being called respectful, keeping Aim, Happiness, Wealth, Pleasure, Wisdom, Knowledge in hands.

With these quote making statement, let us give a shake on our definition of success and live our life at its full.
Thank you for reading.
Peace out.